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EFM8UB1 Unique ID (Chip ID)

by i.got.it 2016. 3. 12.

EFM8 시리즈마다 Chip ID규격이 조금씩 다름. EFM8SB1 시리즈에서는 http://igotit.tistory.com/446  에서 처럼 32비트 Chip ID가 제공되는 반면,

EFM8UB1 시리즈인 경우엔 128비트 (16 바이트) 크기의 Chip ID가 제공된다.

Unique Identifier

A128-bit universally unique identifier (UUID) is pre-programmed into all devices. The UUID resides in the read-only area of flash memory which cannot be erased or written in the end application. The UUID can be read by firmware or through the debug interface at flash locations 0xFFC0-0xFFCF.

from : EFM8UB1 Reference Manual page 33.  http://www.silabs.com/Support%20Documents/TechnicalDocs/EFM8UB1-RM.pdf





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