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Dialog 사. DA14580 외부 핀 인터럽트, wakeup 시키기.

by i.got.it 2015. 9. 7.






Dialog사의 BLE칩 DA14580 이 ext sleep mode 로 작동중인 상태에서, 외부에서 DA14580의 핀으로 신호 인가하여 자는 상태인 경우 wakeup되게 하고 동시에 인터럽트 처리 시행되게 하는법.



1. UMB-006 Sleep Mode Configuration. pdf 보기 -> http://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/download/file/fid/797

2. AN-B-026 External Processor Wake-up Mechanism pdf 보기 -> http://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/download/file/fid/505 


포럼글 중에서,

1. http://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/about-sleep-and-external-interrupt

2. http://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/how-can-i-handle-external-interrupt-gpio-pin-or-uart-or-timer

<- 외부 핀 인터럽트 처리방법 및 wkaeup 시키는 것도 같이 구현되어있음.  이 정보만으로도 충분히 구현가능. 아래 주요정보 복사해옴.


For a fully hosted soluition, you can see the code in the following project: C:\DA1458x_SDK_3.0.6\dk_apps\keil_projects\proximity\reporter_fh.

void app_button_press_cb(void) is the callback routine when the interrupt occurs.

This callback is registered within routine app_button_enable(): wkupct_register_callback(app_button_press_cb);

Also, note that within app_button_enable routine we enable the interrupt for a given GPIO

In this case it is :

    #define GPIO_BUTTON_PORT        GPIO_PORT_1
    #define GPIO_BUTTON_PIN         GPIO_PIN_1

When you use different GPIO pin as source of interrupt the arguments passed to wkupct_enable_irq need to change accordingly.

See comments in routine wkupct_enable_irq on instructions for setting this value for different GPIO pins.



wkupct_enable_irq(uint32_t sel_pins, uint32_t pol_pins, uint16_t events_num, uint16_t deb_time).
the param events_num ( Number of events before wakeup interrupt.) means what? What's number of events means ?


the function counts the events (like a keypress for example) and wakes up the device after a certain programmed number of keypresses. 




DSPS에서 wakeup 방법. -> http://support.dialog-semiconductor.com/externalwakeup-dsps-project









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