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지속가능티끌/SQL. 데이터베이스

SQLite. Data Type.

by i.got.it 2016. 10. 17.

The following table illustrates 5 storage classes in SQLite:

Storage ClassMeaning
NULLNULL values mean missing information or unknown.
INTEGERInteger values are whole numbers (either positive or negative). An integer can have variable sizes such as 1, 2,3, 4, or 8 bytes.
REALReal values are real numbers with decimal values that use 8-byte floats.
TEXTTEXT is used to store character data. The maximum length of TEXT is unlimited. SQLite supports various character encodings.
BLOBBLOB stands for a binary large object that can be used to store any kind of data. The maximum size of BLOBs is unlimited.

Based on the format of a value, SQLite determines its data type based on the following  rules:

  • If a literal has no enclosing quotes and decimal point or exponent, SQLite assigns the INTEGER storage class.
  • If a literal is enclosed by single or double quotes, SQLite assigns the TEXT storage class.
  • If a literal does not have quote nor decimal point nor exponent, SQLite assigns REAL storage class.
  • If a literal is NULL without quotes, it assigned NULL storage class.
  • If a literal has the X’ABCD’ or x ‘abcd’, SQLite assigned BLOB storage class.

from : http://www.sqlitetutorial.net/sqlite-data-types/


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