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nRF52. RTC (Real Time Counter/Clock)

by i.got.it 2019. 1. 13.


nRF52 RTC 




RTC 수량 : nRF52840 의 경우 3개

low power timer on the low-frequency clock source (LFCLK).



Function Block 


Clock Source


The RTC will run off the LFCLK. The COUNTER resolution will therefore be 30.517 μs. Depending on the source, the RTC is able to run while the HFCLK is OFF and PCLK16M is not available.

The software has to explicitely start LFCLK before using the RTC.



from : http://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/pdf/nRF52840_PS_v1.0.pdf  page 333~





RTC example codes



nRF5 SDK v17.1.0: Real Time Counter Example

The Real Time Counter Example enables the real-time clock (RTC) with a TICK frequency of 8 Hz. It also configures and enables the TICK- and the COMPARE0-interrupts. The compare interrupt handler is triggered three seconds after the RTC starts. The TICK int





nRF5 SDK 에서 RTC 연관된 Library


Application Timer 

- RTC1 기반으로 작동한다. 


nRF5 SDK v17.1.0: Application Timer

Application timer functionality. More... Application timer functionality. This module enables the application to create multiple timer instances based on the RTC1 peripheral. Checking for time-outs and invocation of user time-out handlers is performed in t










nRF52. Timer/Counter

타이머수량. nRF52840 인 경우 5개 : Timer0, Timer1, Timer2, Timer3, Timer4. 타이머 기능블럭. 타이머는 HFCLK (high frequency clock source) 와 4비트 프리스케일러로 구동된다. PCLK1M, PCLK16M - Timer 내부 Prescaler 의 설정





상위 정리

https://igotit.tistory.com/244 의 nRF52


STM32. nRF52. ESP32. EFM8. EFM32. PSoC 활용 정리.

STM32. nRF52. ESP32. EFM8. EFM32. PSoC 총정리 제조사 칩 주요특징 실리콘랩 8bit MCU EFM8 시리즈 32bit EFM32 시리즈 EFM8 싸다. STM STM32 . 최고 항상 만족. Cypress pSoC pSoC6 은 기대해볼만. NORDIC nRF52 블투 무선솔루





첫등록 : 2019.01.13

최종수정 : 2023.01.24


본 글 단축주소 : https://igotit.tistory.com/2047







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