In most of the wearable devices, data logging has become an integral part of the system. Along with logging the sensor data, time-stamp information is also logged to keep a track of the data w.r.t. the current time. For such cases, BLE protocol provides a Current Time Service (CTS) to get the current timing information from the mobile device.
In a CTS, a GATT Client, typically a wearable device, gets the current timinig information from a GATT Server, typically a mobile phone, and use this information to synchronize or set the system time.
In today's example, we demonstrate how to implement a Real Time Clock (RTC) using CTS and configurable wathcdog timers of PSoC 4 BLE device. In this example, the PSoC 4 BLE device, acting as the GATT Client, gets the current timing information when connected with the GATT Server and implements the RTC functionlity.
You can download this PSoC Creator example, here from Github:

정보원본 :
위 샘플 그대로 구현한 경우 소비전류 실측.
단위 : uA. 1.3uA 대부분이며 간헐적으로 4.8uA. 평균 1.8uA 이하
본 글이 포함된 통합 정리 장소. 1. MCU : |
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