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암호화폐 . 게이트아이오. API . 무기한 선물. 종목 정보 확보

by i.got.it 2022. 3. 31.



암호화폐 거래소 게이트아이오(gate.io) 에서의 무기한 선물 종목 정보 확보. 



USDT 무기한 선물 예 : BTC/USDT , ETH/USDT , ...





종목 정보 요청 주소.  


베이스 주소 1:  https://api.gateio.ws/api/v4

- 현물 , 선물 겸용 주소. 

베이스 주소 2: https://fx-api.gateio.ws/api/v4
- 선물만 가능한 주소. 



베이스 주소 뒷부분 주소 : /futures/{settle}/contracts

- {settle} : btc, usdt 

- btc : 인버스 무기한 계약 종목 

- usdt : 리니어 무기한 계약 종목 


요청 주소 구성 예. 


베이스 주소 1 , settle  = btc  : https://api.gateio.ws/api/v4/futures/btc/contracts

베이스 주소 1 , settle = usdt : https://api.gateio.ws/api/v4/futures/usdt/contracts


베이스 주소 2 , settle = btc  : https://fx-api.gateio.ws/api/v4/futures/btc/contracts

베이스 주소 2 , settle = usdt :  https://fx-api.gateio.ws/api/v4/futures/usdt/contracts




응답 데이터 형식 

    "name": "BTC_USDT",
    "type": "direct",
    "quanto_multiplier": "0.0001",
    "ref_discount_rate": "0",
    "order_price_deviate": "0.5",
    "maintenance_rate": "0.005",
    "mark_type": "index",
    "last_price": "38026",
    "mark_price": "37985.6",
    "index_price": "37954.92",
    "funding_rate_indicative": "0.000219",
    "mark_price_round": "0.01",
    "funding_offset": 0,
    "in_delisting": false,
    "risk_limit_base": "1000000",
    "interest_rate": "0.0003",
    "order_price_round": "0.1",
    "order_size_min": 1,
    "ref_rebate_rate": "0.2",
    "funding_interval": 28800,
    "risk_limit_step": "1000000",
    "leverage_min": "1",
    "leverage_max": "100",
    "risk_limit_max": "8000000",
    "maker_fee_rate": "-0.00025",
    "taker_fee_rate": "0.00075",
    "funding_rate": "0.002053",
    "order_size_max": 1000000,
    "funding_next_apply": 1610035200,
    "short_users": 977,
    "config_change_time": 1609899548,
    "trade_size": 28530850594,
    "position_size": 5223816,
    "long_users": 455,
    "funding_impact_value": "60000",
    "orders_limit": 50,
    "trade_id": 10851092,
    "orderbook_id": 2129638396

응답 데이터 항목

Name Type Description
name string Futures contract
type string Futures contract type
quanto_multiplier string Multiplier used in converting from invoicing to settlement currency
leverage_min string Minimum leverage
leverage_max string Maximum leverage
maintenance_rate string Maintenance rate of margin
mark_type string Mark price type, internal - based on internal trading, index - based on external index price
mark_price string Current mark price
index_price string Current index price
last_price string Last trading price
maker_fee_rate string Maker fee rate, where negative means rebate
taker_fee_rate string Taker fee rate
order_price_round string Minimum order price increment
mark_price_round string Minimum mark price increment
funding_rate string Current funding rate
funding_interval integer Funding application interval, unit in seconds
funding_next_apply number(double) Next funding time
risk_limit_base string Risk limit base
risk_limit_step string Step of adjusting risk limit
risk_limit_max string Maximum risk limit the contract allowed
order_size_min integer(int64) Minimum order size the contract allowed
order_size_max integer(int64) Maximum order size the contract allowed
order_price_deviate string deviation between order price and current index price. If price of an order is denoted as order_price, it must meet the following condition:

abs(order_price - mark_price) <= mark_price * order_price_deviate
ref_discount_rate string Referral fee rate discount
ref_rebate_rate string Referrer commission rate
orderbook_id integer(int64) Current orderbook ID
trade_id integer(int64) Current trade ID
trade_size integer(int64) Historical accumulated trade size
position_size integer(int64) Current total long position size
config_change_time number(double) Last changed time of configuration
in_delisting boolean Contract is delisting
orders_limit integer Maximum number of open orders








암호화폐. gate.io API 활용모음

API 주소정리 암호화폐 . 게이트아이오. API . 개요 . 주소 정리. 예제소스 게이트아이오 API 개요. - 암호화폐 거래소 게이트아이오 (gate.io) 에서 제공하는 API - 게이트아이오 거래소의 전체 종목(아









첫 등록 : 2022.03.29

최종 수정 : 2022.03.31

단축 주소 : https://igotit.tistory.com/3573





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