Windows Device Console
- 커맨드라인툴 . PC에 연결된 기기들의 상세 정보 및 기기들의 활성, 비활성, 설치, 제거 등 가능.
Display driver and device info DevCon can display the following properties of drivers and devices on local computers, and remote computers (running Windows XP and earlier):
- Hardware IDs, compatible IDs, and device instance IDs. These identifiers are described in detail in Device Identification Strings.
- Device setup classes
- The devices in a device setup class
- INF files and device driver files
- Details of driver packages
- Hardware resources
- Device status
- Expected driver stack
- Third-party driver packages in the driver store
Search for devices DevCon can search for installed and uninstalled devices on a local or remote computer by hardware ID, device instance ID, or device setup class.
Change device settings DevCon can change the status or configuration of Plug and Play (PnP) devices on the local computer in the following ways:
- Enable a device
- Disable a device
- Update drivers (interactive and noninteractive)
- Install a device (create a devnode and install software)
- Remove a device from the device tree and delete its device stack
- Rescan for Plug and Play devices
- Add, delete, and reorder the hardware IDs of root-enumerated devices
- Change the upper and lower filter drivers for a device setup class
- Add and delete third-party driver packages from the driver store
Restart the device or computer DevCon can restart a local device, reboot the local system on demand, or reboot the local system if required for another DevCon operation.
MS 사 제공 Devcon.exe 페이지 :
DevCon 설치
위 MS사이트에서 설명하듯이 DevCon의 MS사 공식배포는 WDK / Visual Studio / Windows SDK for desktop apps 설치할 때 같이 설치된다. DevCon 만 따로 배포하지 않고 있다. 위 3개중 1개 설치 했다면 그것 이용하면되고, 아니면 구글검색해보면 개인들이 DevCon 만 별도로 추출하여 배포하는것 이용해도 된다.
첫등록 : 2019년 8월 31일
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