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DevCon. Windows Device Console 개요. 설치

by i.got.it 2019. 8. 31.

Windows Device Console


- 커맨드라인툴 . PC에 연결된 기기들의 상세 정보 및 기기들의 활성, 비활성, 설치, 제거 등 가능.


Display driver and device info DevCon can display the following properties of drivers and devices on local computers, and remote computers (running Windows XP and earlier):

  • Hardware IDs, compatible IDs, and device instance IDs. These identifiers are described in detail in Device Identification Strings.
  • Device setup classes
  • The devices in a device setup class
  • INF files and device driver files
  • Details of driver packages
  • Hardware resources
  • Device status
  • Expected driver stack
  • Third-party driver packages in the driver store


  • Search for devices DevCon can search for installed and uninstalled devices on a local or remote computer by hardware ID, device instance ID, or device setup class.

  • Change device settings DevCon can change the status or configuration of Plug and Play (PnP) devices on the local computer in the following ways:

    • Enable a device
    • Disable a device
    • Update drivers (interactive and noninteractive)
    • Install a device (create a devnode and install software)
    • Remove a device from the device tree and delete its device stack
    • Rescan for Plug and Play devices
    • Add, delete, and reorder the hardware IDs of root-enumerated devices
    • Change the upper and lower filter drivers for a device setup class
    • Add and delete third-party driver packages from the driver store
  • Restart the device or computer DevCon can restart a local device, reboot the local system on demand, or reboot the local system if required for another DevCon operation.


DevCon Commands

DevCon Examples


MS 사 제공 Devcon.exe 페이지 : https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows-hardware/drivers/devtest/devcon


Windows Device Console (Devcon.exe) - Windows drivers

DevCon (Devcon.exe), the Device Console, is a command-line tool that displays detailed information about devices on computers running Windows.



DevCon 설치 

위 MS사이트에서 설명하듯이  DevCon의 MS사 공식배포는 WDK /  Visual Studio / Windows SDK for desktop apps 설치할 때 같이 설치된다. DevCon 만 따로 배포하지 않고 있다. 위 3개중 1개 설치 했다면 그것 이용하면되고, 아니면 구글검색해보면 개인들이 DevCon 만 별도로 추출하여 배포하는것 이용해도 된다. 







첫등록 : 2019년 8월 31일 

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