Project Files
- *.OPT: Project Option file with options (debugger settings, current open files, screen positions, and so on) from older µVision versions. This file is read and transformed into a *.UVOPT or *.UVOPTX file type by µVision.
- *.UVGUI[.user-name]: µVision4 Project screen layout file. The extension [.user-name] is added when working in a work-group environment. When this file is missing, the default layout is used. This file is not mandatory.
- *.UVGUIX[.user-name]: µVision5 Project screen layout file. The extension [.user-name] is added when working in a work-group environment. When this file is missing, the default layout is used. This file is not mandatory.
- *.UVMPW: µVision4 Project file for Multiple Projects. Contains references to other project files and binds them into one project. The file is mandatory when multiple projects are grouped into one project. Has an XML structure and can be shared in a work-group.
- *.UVPROJ: µVision4 Project File. Contains the project structure in XML format. This mandatory file can be shared in a work-group.
- *.UVPROJX: µVision5 Project File. Contains the project structure in XML format. This mandatory file can be shared in a work-group.
- *.UVOPT: µVision4 project options. Contains the settings for the debugger, trace configuration, breakpoints, currently open files, ... . This mandatory XML file can be shared in a work-group.
- *.UVOPTX: µVision5 project options. Contains the settings for the debugger, trace configuration, breakpoints, currently open files, ... . This mandatory XML file can be shared in a work-group.
- *.UV2: µVision3 Project File. Open the files with a later µVision version to convert the file to a new project type.
Source Files
- *.A51: Assembler source file.
- *.A66: Assembler source file.
- *.C: C source file.
- *.CPP: C++ source file.
- *.H: C header file (used with #include).
- *.INC: Assembler include file (used with $include).
- *.S: Assembler source file (typical used for ARM source files).
- *.SRC: Other source file generated by the C compiler.
Listing Files
- *.COD: Complete program listing file. Includes mixed C and Assembly code. All references are resolved and addresses are fixed-up.
- *.HTM: Listing file of the Linker.
- *.I: C Preprocessor Output File.
- *.LST: Listing file generated by the C Compiler or Assembler.
- *.MAP: Listing file (or Map file) generated by the Linker.
- *.M51: Listing file (or Map file) generated by the Linker.
- *.M66: Listing file (or Map file) generated by the Linker.
- *.SCR: Linker scatter loader file. Generated by the Linker. Can be altered manually.
Object and HEX Files
- *.(no extension): Absolute Object File (executable programs generated by the Linker).
- *.AXF: Absolute and executable object file generated by the Linker.
- *.Bxx: Absolute object file generated by OC51 for individual code banks (xx may be from 00 to 31).
- *.D: Dependency file generated by the ARMCC or GCC compiler.
- *.CRF: Cross-Reference file containing browse information (definitions, references for identifiers).
- *.ELF: ELF/DWARF files generated by the Linker/Locater.
- *.HEX: Intel Hex file, generated by the Object-Hex Conversion Utility.
- *.H86: Intel Hex file, generated by the Object-Hex Conversion Utility.
- *.LIB: Library object file.
- *.OBJ: Relocatable object file.
- *.O: Relocatable object files.
- *.SBR: Source Browser Information file generated by the Linker/Locater.
Build Files
- *.BAT: batch file that re-creates a project from the command prompt. µVision may create a batch file when Project - Output - Create Batch File is enabled.
- *._IA, *.__I, *._II, *.SCR: tool invocation files.
Debugger Files
- *.INI: Source code file used typically for initializing the debugger.
Other Files
- *.BUILD_LOG.HTM: Build Log file of the latest project build.
- *.CDB: µVision Device Database file.
- *.DEP: Dependency file for a target build.
- *.IC: Intermediate C source file created by the EC++ Compiler.
- *.LIN: Linker control file.
- *.LNP: Linker Input file generated by µVision to be passed to the command line.
- *.ORC: Global Register Coloring file for optimization.
- *.PACK: Software Pack file. Zip-file containing the software and one *.PDSC description file. Mechanism file to distribute device support, Software Components, APIs, and example projects.
- *.PDSC: Pack Description file. Describes the content of a Software Pack and dependencies to devices, processors, tool chains, or other software components.
- *.PLG: Protocol file that summarizes the last build process.
- PROJECT_GUI.XSD: XML schema file describing the *.UVGUI file structure. Located in the \UV4 folder.
- PROJECT_MPW.XSD: XML schema file describing the *.UVMPW file structure. Located in the \UV4 folder.
- PROJECT_OPT.XSD: XML schema file describing the *.UVOPT file structure. Located in the \UV4 folder.
- PROJECT_PROJ.XSD: XML schema file describing the *.UVPROJ file structure. Located in the \UV4 folder.
- *.SCT: Linker control file (scatter loading).
- *.SCVD: XML schema file for the Component Viewer (System Component Viewer Description file). The file is provided by the vendor or can be build by the user.
- *.UVL: Signal definition file. Saves the signals that have been defined in the Logic Analyzer.
- *.UVLA: File to store signals that have been recorded with the Logic Analyzer.
- *.UVTSK: Event Viewer file. Saves the recorded task-switching events.
- *.SFD: Intermediary pseudo-XML file used to create an *.SFR file (*.SVD.XML files are used as input).
- *.SFR: Binary file that stores information which is read by the System Viewer.
- *.SVD.XML, *.SVD, *.XML: CMSIS-XML file formats describing the device (CMSIS System View Description file). The file is provided by the vendor.
- *.XSD XML schema description file.
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