MQL5 에서 정적 배열
- 일반 C와 동일.
// MQL5 에서 정적 배열. 일반 C 문법과 동일.
double myData[100];
MQL5 에서 동적배열.
- 일반 C와 다르며, 사용 편리.
// MQL5 Dnamic array
double myData[]; // 배열 크기 기록없이 선언하면 동적배열이됨.
ArrayResize(myData, 99); // 사용하기 전에 배열 크기 지정함수 호출해서 설정.
ArrayResize(myData, 15); // 앞에서 설정된 99를 15로 줄인것.
ArrayResize(myData, 0); // 앞에서 설정된 15를 0로 줄인것.
ArrayFree(myData); // myData 해제하는것. ArrayResize(myData, 0); 과동일 효과.
bool retv=ArrayIsDynamic(myData); // dynamic 이면 1리턴, static 이면 0리턴.
////// 배열을 함수 인자로 전달하기.
void Func(double &myData[]); // 함수 선언.
Func(mydata); // Func 콜 하면서 배열 myData 전달
MQL5 Array 관련함수 전체.
Arrays are allowed to be maximum four-dimensional. Each dimension is indexed from 0 to dimension_size-1. In a particular case of a one-dimensional array of 50 elements, calling of the first element will appear as array[0], of the last one - as array[49].
Function |
Action |
Returns index of the first found element in the first array dimension |
Copies one array into another |
Returns the result of comparing two arrays of simple types or custom structures without complex objects |
Frees up buffer of any dynamic array and sets the size of the zero dimension in 0. |
Checks direction of array indexing |
Sets all elements of a numeric array into a single value |
Fills an array with the specified value |
Checks whether an array is a timeseries |
Checks whether an array is dynamic |
Search for an element with the maximal value |
Search for an element with the minimal value |
Prints an array of a simple type or a simple structure into journal |
Returns the number of elements in the specified dimension of the array |
Sets the new size in the first dimension of the array |
Inserts the specified number of elements from a source array to a receiving one starting from a specified index |
Removes the specified number of elements from the array starting with a specified index |
Reverses the specified number of elements in the array starting with a specified index |
Sets the direction of array indexing |
Returns the number of elements in the array |
Sorting of numeric arrays by the first dimension |
Swaps the contents of two dynamic arrays of the same type |
상세 설명.
MQL5 Programming Basics: Arrays
Arrays are an integral part of almost any programming language along with variables and functions. The article should be of interest primarily to novice MQL5 programmers, while experienced programmers will have a good opportunity to summarize and systemati
첫등록 : 2019년 5월 17일
최종수정 :
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