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S140. bluetooth 5 protocol stack. NORDIC SoftDevice

by i.got.it 2018. 5. 31.

품번 : S140

The S140 SoftDevice is a high-performance, qualified Bluetooth 5 protocol stack supporting the nRF52840 multi-protocol SoC. S140 offers 20 concurrent links in all Bluetooth Low Energy roles.


  • S140 적용가능 칩 : nRF52840
  • full Bluetooth 5
  • 2Mbps
  • Long range
  • Advertising extensions
  • Improved coexistence (CSA#2)

제조사 S140 사이트 : https://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/Products/S140-SoftDevice

NORDIC 사 SoftDevice  설명. 

SoftDevices are precompiled and linked binary software implementing Bluetooth low energy and ANT wireless protocols. SoftDevices reduce compile-time dependences for application developers working on their applications. The hardware and software framework provides run-time isolation and determinism in its behavior. These characteristics make the interface comparable to a hardware peripheral abstraction with a functional, programmatic interface.

The SoftDevice Application Programming Interface (API) is available to applications as a high-level programming language interface such as a C header file.

The nRF52840 is supported by the S140 SoftDevice multi-role, concurrent Bluetooth low energy protocol stack. S140 SoftDevice is designed for Bluetooth 5 and its new features.

SoftDevice 는 nRF5 SDK 다운로드 하면 같이 포함되어 배포되나, SDK 버전은 그대로이면서 SoftDeivce 만 버전 업 된 경우 별도 다운로드 받아야 한다. 

Download & Unblock S140 

Unzip S140





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